Jurcan spirits complements every life moment. Who tastes them once, always returns to them.
Our spirits are made of grapes distillates with addition of honey instead of sugar.
When you ask older people in Istria and Croatia what is the recipe for long and healthy life, you will always get same answer: “There’s no secret; just have one homemade grappa in the morning before breakfast”. Grappa is one of the most common and well known spirits in Istria, pure taste of grapes. Jurcan grappa awakes life in you.

This is another traditional Istrian spirit. Jurcan honey is healthy combination of grappa and honey. It has full flavor of honey and it’s not to sweet spirit but it helps with sore throat. Jurcan honey speaks thousand languages.
Dark brown color and strong walnut taste represents Jurcan walnut spirit. It is made based on traditional recipe and gives to people powerful enjoyment.

It is another taste of health in Jurcan spirit. People say “aronia is one of the healthiest herbs on earth”. Well, we think different. Jurcan aronia is the healthiest in the world.
Jurcan orange-coffee spirit is another one not so common spirit. Combination of coffee beans and orange gives velvet taste of this unique spirit.

Traditional Jurcan grappa preserves color and smell of rose petals. Jurcan rose gives profound taste for the most sensitive palate.
As the word says it all – Jurcan festive is just festive! It is only spirit which base is wine and it is enriched with cinnamon and other special festive ingredients.

Jurcan chili is for the brave ones. If you love strong chili papers and love spicy food than Jurcan chilli is just for you. Chili flavor develops after you drink it and it keeps you warm for a long time.